Garlic Complex features the stable form of allicin, the active, immune-boosting fraction found in garlic. In addition, it contains all the synergistic, co-factors, and essential transporters to upregulate the body’s capacity to break biofilms in any mucus membrane in the body. It does so gently and effectively because it is also capable of upregulating the elimination of waste products generated from biofilm destruction.
Garlic Complex, Quantum Nutrition Labs(60Vcaps)
Garlic Complex features the stable form of allicin, the active, immune-boosting fraction found in garlic. In addition, it contains all the synergists, co-factors and essential transporters to upregulate the body’s capacity to break biofilms in any mucus membrane in the body. It does so gently and effectively because it is also capable of upregulating the elimination of waste products generated from biofilm destruction.
Stabilized Allicin Benefits
Spectacular, broad spectrum, immune-specific support, especially mouth, GI and urinary tracts. Breakthrough new process delivering pure, stabilized allicin for the first time in history. This is not garlic - but the fully potent, active factor in concentrated form, never available before. Premier, living-source extract with high capacity for biofilm destruction and intestinal cleansing.
Wild Garlic Benefits
Significantly more essential nutrients than common kitchen garlic, including such minerals as magnesium, manganese and zinc.
Twice the amount of ajoenes, the components responsible for garlic’s ability to modulate platelet aggregation.
High content of gamma-glutamyl peptides, the phytochemicals responsible for garlic’s ability to regulate angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE).
Twenty-fold higher levels of adenosine. Adenosine works by opening up the ATP-dependent potassium (KATP) channel in the smooth muscles of blood vessels, leading them to relax and present less resistance to the force of the blood flowing through them.
Various phytochemicals present in Allium ursinum protect adenosine from destruction, allowing a significant amount of it to be absorbed intact.Why not just take regular garlic?
No longer do you need to hope that fresh garlic has enough alliin, so when it’s chopped, the allinase enzymes will react to form allicin. Nor do you need to hope the allicin can get to the target site before it degrades to an ineffective form. Now, stabilized allicin, a completely stable form, is available which has a proven track record to gently clear micro-invaders, especially those contained in miniature, multicompartmented cities called biofilms.
Garlic cloves are odor-free until crushed.
Fascinating cross-section studies show that the substrate, alliin, and the enzyme, allinase, are located in different compartments of the same clove. When the clove is crushed, the alliin and allinase then come in contact with each other to rapidly form allicin. However, the reactive allicin molecules produced have a very short half-life, as they react with many surrounding proteins. Thus, consuming stabilized allicin with its unusually high amounts of stable allicin allows for a veritable all-out attack on internal micro-invaders for a superior clinical response – completely safe and effective — without harmful or toxic side effects.
How does stabilized allicin work?
The broad-spectrum, immune effects of allicin (and its associated molecule, ajoene) appear to be due to the multiple inhibitory effects on various thiol-dependent enzymatic systems – lethal to micro-invaders – but without harm to the human host.-
Spectacular, broad spectrum, immune-specific support, especially mouth, GI and urinary tracts*
Features allicin, considered the most powerful compound found in garlic, stabilized for the first time in history by a breakthrough patented new process.
Premier, living-source extract with high capacity for cleansing.
Also features European Wild Garlic Extract (known as Bear’s Garlic), the original nonhybrid garlic (not common kitchen garlic) used for thousands of years for superior immune system support and extraordinarily gentle detoxification*
Healthy Blood Pressure Already Within Normal Range, Clean Arteries & Broad Spectrum, Immune-Specific Support*
AllicidinTM Complex is a one-of-a-kind breakthrough because it can break open entrenched biofilms and allow the body’s immune system to access the undesirable organisms hiding within, an essential step to reach a whole-body, healthy immune status.
How is Stabilized Allicin Made?
To produce stabilized allicin, the starting material – healthy, raw garlic bulbs grown in China – are carefully selected to ensure that they contain significant enzyme activity (from alliinase enzymes) so the resulting allicin potency will be optimal. Once the bulbs have been selected, they are analyzed for sufficient alliin content using HPLC and mass spectrometry. Next, the garlic is crushed in a special reaction chamber where extra alliin is added to form high amounts of allicin. The system is carefully controlled and kept under constant pressure as the allicin is filtered. The resultant allicin liquid is analyzed by HPLC and frozen for transport to a low-temperature dryer. After drying, the powder is tested microbiologically and by HPLC again. No chemical solvents are ever used. The potency of the final powder is directly related to its enzymatic concentration and activity.
Is there a garlic smell with stabilized allicin?
No. Since stabilized allicin is not garlic, but a specific molecule complex from garlic, it has only a very mild, garlic-like taste (if a capsule is opened) and does not leave “garlic breath” when taken.
Note: Stabilized allicin is safe in pregnancy and in children over age 4.Wild Garlic Extract
In addition to stabilized allicin, Garlic Complex contains a relatively new and unknown species of garlic which may well be the Superman of all garlic. Common garlic found at the supermarket and in most supplements is Allium sativum; the garlic in Garlic Complex is a “new” garlic - alpine wild garlic (Allium ursinum). It provides all the old benefits but also proven new ones.
The Bear Strengthener. Throughout the centuries, alpine wild garlic has never been successfully cultivated. It is found wild in areas of damp woods and ravines and flourishes in the hills and mountains of Central Europe. Its name is derived from the claim that bears, upon awakening from hibernation, eat wild garlic to regain their strength (“ursinum” is the Latin word for “bear”). While common garlic is used for its bulb (and cloves), the active substances in wild garlic are found in its green leaves.Remarkable Benefits.
Wild garlic contains sulfur compounds, such as allicin and ajoene, and higher amounts of magnesium, manganese and zinc than regular garlic. It also has antioxidant, cardiovascular and immune-boosting properties. Wild garlic has three advantages over domesticated garlic: 1) It has more active substances; 2) it has active substances not found in cultivated garlic, or found only when large quantities are taken; 3) it is odorless after digestion.Healthy Blood Pressure.
Wild garlic contains more ajoene, more gamma glutamyl peptides (GLUT) and more than 20 times as much adenosine as domesticated garlic. Researchers found that GLUT and ajoene affect vascular smooth muscle and blood vessels to promote healthy blood pressure. In fact, wild garlic shows twice the effectiveness for cardiovascular function as found with cultivated garlic. Adenosine found in wild garlic also helps increase blood vessel width and can also reduce platelet aggregation (blood stickiness).Overall Benefits.
Wild garlic has a greater efficacy in improving microcirculation than cultivated garlic. Wild garlic also promotes healthy pancreas function and blood sugar without relying upon allicin compounds. Compounds in wild garlic help make it a potent protector against free radicals. Wild garlic is rich in the water-soluble compounds which promote healthy blood lipids.
No Odor. When you first open a bottle of Garlic Complex, a slight, distinctive garlic odor is present. However, after digestion, the garlic odor is no longer noticeable. This is because the leaves of wild garlic contain a substantial amount of chlorophyll, which binds nitrogen compounds during digestion and thus prevents the development of the characteristic smell associated with the breakdown products of garlic. Garlic Complex is also easier on the stomach than many other garlic products.Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 capsule
Servings Per Container: 60
Allicin OrganoSulfur Complex™.....................315 mg
Garlic (bulb) Extract (Allium sativum), Bear Garlic (leaf) (Allium ursinum)which yeilds:
5-Allyl Cysteine......................55mcg
Botani-Pro Blend™ ......................................108 mg
Organic Turkey Tails (mycelia, fruiting body, spore) (Coriolus versicolor), Organic Hyssop (leaf, stem) (Hyssopus officinalis), Organic Parsley (leaf) (Petroselinum crispum)
Other Ingredients: Vegetable Cellulose CapsuleQuantum Quality Guarantee: NO stearate (an undesirable excipient), NO artificial colors, NO artificial flavors, NO artificial preservatives. Store in a dry, cool place.
Recommended Use
Adults or children (age 4 & up): Take 1 capsule, 2 times daily. For special programs recommended by your practitioner, up to 10 individual servings may be taken daily.*Disclaimer: The FDA has not evaluated any of these statements. Practice at your own risk and gain. Please seek immediate medical care for any urgent trauma. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.